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Course Evaluations

Billesbach Instructor Evalutaitons Table.jpg

Table Summary: This table shows student evaluations from courses where I served as the instructor of record. It includes the total number of students, response rates, and ratings on questions related to my performance, with scores ranging from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest). On the very bottom row of the table, I’ve included the average overall ratings of instructors who taught in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences during each semester represented in the table.


Evaluations for the Active Learning Program (ALP) course are excluded due to university policy, which restricts evaluations for internship-linked courses taught by PhD candidates. I can provide basic information, however. For the ALP, I taught 123 students across three sections in Summer 2024, am currently teaching 106 students across three sections this Fall (2024), and will teach more than 100 students across three sections in Spring 2025.​

Individual evaluations of each course, including written comments from students, are listed in reverse chronological order. Digital Rights and Principles was a cross-listed course, so there are two evaluations, one for those registered in Political Science and one for those registered in European Studies.  Listed at the bottom is a document with all evaluations combined.

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